Israel is up in flames!
Or at least the area around Haifa is...
Certain other flames however have spread across the country with a force perhaps more deadly than actual fire... Hatred and Division.
Those two particular flames are no surprise in the Middle East, a region that is constantly burning under them, however it seems it could all reach a crucial point eventually.
So far a dozen people have been detained under accusations of arson and whilst their ethnicities cannot be confirmed Israeli right-wing politicians and media have jumped to the conclusion they must be Arabs.
While they could be Arabs, and it is very likely they are in fact, it is sad to see once again the same fear politics brought onto the Israeli stage, with politicians stoking hatred and distrust against one of the country's minorities, with Minister of Education, Naftali Bennett tweeting "Only those to whom the country does not belong are capable of burning it."
I can assure Minister Bennett that most Israeli Arabs are very happy to call Israel their home and would never wish it harm.
Sadly fear-mongering, hatred and division is not a one-way thing in this area, with many Arab social media posts celebrating and cheering the blazes that have led to the evacuation of over 80 thousand people.
It's also convenient to mention that Haifa is a mixed city with a large number of Arabs residing in it, I guess those Arabs cheering this misery have little concern for their brethren as long as they get to see innocent Israeli Jewish people suffering too.
Sadly these flames won't end, and I don't mean the actual fires.
Arabs will keep believing anti-semitic propaganda for as long as their governments remain incompetent and corrupt and Israelis will keep their distrust towards Arabs for as long as their politicians see gain in fear-mongering.
Some small signs of cooperation have appeared however, with Labour Party leader Isaac Herzog warning of rhetoric that could add to the flames and Palestinian firefighters being sent from the West Bank to aid their Israeli counterparts.
Whether these small gestures will bring about unity or whether division will remain long after the fires remains to be seen.