No matter what you might think of Donald Trump's incitement to misogyny, homophobia, racism, xenophobia and outright disregard for basic decency on one policy of his we can all agree... Keeping jobs in America.
Nine months ago an Indiana plant belonging to the Carrier Corporation had planned to move 2,000 jobs to Mexico, now after negotiations with President elect Trump they have announced that 1,000 jobs will be kept in Indiana.
However did Trump make a good move?
He used this company's moving plans as a rallying cry during much of his campaign, a way of showing how America had bad trade deals that were hurting hard working Americans.
None of us however know what deal has been reached to keep the company in Indiana, and Trump himself is not yet president so there's not much he can do in terms of legislation for the time being.
This move will for the most part however be a symbolic PR stunt.
Indiana has lost over 235,000 jobs since 1969, 1,000 jobs is nothing compared to what keeps flowing out of Indiana and the rest of the Midwest.
Also one has to wonder just what the deal consisted of.
If promising funding or special tax cuts to companies that stay was Trump's answer than I am afraid America will be doomed as any CEO can now threaten to exit the country as a way to get economic privileges.
One doesn't need a degree in finance to know that doesn't bode well for any nation's economy.
For now this populist move will keep many people happy, it will embolden Trump's supporters to seeing their elected leader as a saviour of the American working class and it certainly will make the families of 1,000 workers feel much safer financially, but one needs to think long term, and until the details of this deal are revealed one cannot truly know if this deal was a success or the first step to economic ruin.
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