Common Painkillers a "heart attack risk"

A new study suggests there could be a link between taking high doses of common anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as ibuprofen, and heart attacks.

Painkillers spilled on a table

A new study suggests there could be a link between taking high doses of common anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, and heart attacks.

The paper, published in The British Medical Journal, builds on a previous body of work that had linked these drugs to heart problems.

The research suggests the risk could be greatest in the first 30 days of use.

Scientists however say the findings are not clear cut. They claim that factors besides the pills could be involved.

In the study an international team of scientists analysed data from 446,763 people to try to understand when heart problems might arise.

They focused on people prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen, celecoxib and naproxen) by doctors rather than those who bought the painkillers over the counter.

After studying the data from Canada, Finland and the UK, researchers suggest that taking these painkillers to treat pain and inflammation could increase the risk of heart attacks even in the first week of use.

The risk was seen to be especially in the first month when people were taking high doses (for example more than 1200mg of ibuprofen a day) .Kevin McConway, emeritus professor of statistics at The Open University, said the paper revealed a possible relationships between Nsaid painkillers and heart attacks, but that more reasons could be involved.

Despite the large number of patients involved, some aspects do still remain pretty unclear.

It remains possible that the painkillers aren't actually the cause of the extra heart attacks.

 An example given by the professor is that if someone was prescribed a high dose of a painkiller because of severe pain, and then had a heart attack the following week, it would be "pretty hard" to tell whether the heart attack had been caused by the painkiller or by the source of the pain that led to the purchase of these drugs.

It could even have been due to something entirely unrelated according to him.

For most people who have no heart conditions these findings may be of minimal importance, but for those at higher risk, perhaps they should consider carefully with their doctor if a high dose of painkillers would be appropriate for them under their individual circumstances.
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